Togouchi Japanese Blended Whisky Sake Cask Finish

Togouchi Japanese Blended Whisky Sake Cask Finish, NAS, 40 %


Another “Japanese” whisky. This one is produced by Chugoku Jozo. A cool detail is that it has received a Sake cask finish, which is quite unusual.

The Togouchi Japanese Blended Whisky Sake Cask Finish is available in Norway at NOK 835 (70 cl) (12382001).

Nose: Definitely stands out from the crowd. Is that sake I smell? Hardly. But I do believe it is the influence of the sake cask finish. To me it translates into an umami like oakiness with a bitter sweet touch. Certainly unusual, and not at all bad. The bitter-ish side note does trip me up slightly though. Thankfully all bitterness is gone after half an hour in the glass.

Taste: Medium body and raw-ish in character. This is young and has not yet found its feet. Some of the same banana chocolate I found in the Togouchi Kiwami. Fruity, but not impressively so. The sake cask finish does not really leave much of an impression on the palate. Perhaps it contributes to the somewhat fizzy ginger flavored sweetness?

Finish: Short to medium long finish. Continues exactly as it started. No development whatsoever.

Comment: Decent enough.

Score 79/100



Compass Box Glasgow Blend


Kamiki Sakura Wood