
Macallan Rare Cask, NAS, 43 %

Macallan Rare CaskToday is my second time tasting the Macallan Rare Cask. The first time I was influenced by a cold and tasting notes would not have been fair then. I thought. It turns out I think much the same about the whisky today as I did the first time.

The Macallan Rare Cask is a brand new release from the Macallan distillery in their new 1824 Masters Series. This is not the same as the previous 1824 series, which includes Gold, Amber, Sienna and Ruby.

Rare Cask is made from 16 different types of casks, a mix of Spanish and American sherry seasoned casks.

The whisky is not available in Norway. It will be available in Sweden 2015-10-16 at SEK 1999 (item number 20206).

Nose (22/25): Sweet with delicate sherry notes. Some dades and raisins. The sweetness changes towards bananas and apricots. Spicy as well. White pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg. Cool with camphur and eucalyptus. Light. Oranges.

Taste (23/25): Smooth and quite light. No heavy sherry influence here. Caramel, spices and eucalyptus. Dried apricots and dades.

Finish (22/25): Caramel finish with chili! Salt. Warm and lingering. Oaky and a bit dry, and still it leaves the palate a bit oily.

Balance (22/25): A smooth and balanced whisky.

Score (89/100)

- Tone


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