EtOH Spirits - Double Peached

EtOH Spirits - Double Peached, 10 days, 45 %


OK, here’s one more from Danish company EtOH - see my first review for further details.

Here are the official product details on this liquid that has been matured for a whopping 10 days:

“Aged only on select port barrels, this malt features a wall of collusion port bouquet. This is maybe the greatest double peached Pure Malt in history. The FAKE WHISKY has a tremendous flavour of oak, orange, peach and covfefe. Enjoy this and reminisce of the good old days before we knew that Trump was everything else than a bad hotel in New York.  

This product is made with real fruit, haze on the bottom may accumulate if the bottle stays still. Before drinking, we recommend giving it a small shake or upside down turn.”

You can buy the EtOH Spirits - Double Peached online at DKK 450.

Nose: Orange flavoured sugar free chewing gum. Artificial citrus scent. A distinct alcohol bite. Again wet clothes you forgot to remove from the washing machine - before you went on vacation. With time the unmistakable aromas of a public bath.

Taste: Thin to medium body. Tinned pears and peaches (i’ll give them that). White pepper.

Finish: Short finish. I’m left with an unpleasant mix of sour and bitter notes in the back of my throat.

Comment: Massively better than the EtOH Spirits - Call Of Excise Duty, so in a word → drinkable. But does it remind me of whisky though? I’m more reminded of cheap vodka with added flavouring essence. I imagine there is a market for this out there, somewhere, somewhere I’ve never been, probably somewhere I’ve never even heard of. Got to appreciate their sense of humour though! In the product description I mean, not in the making of the product, as I’m pretty sure that was not meant as a joke.

Score 62/100




Thomas H. Handy Sazerac 2005 / 2011


EtOH Spirits - Call Of Excise Duty